Saturday 7 November 2015


Here are some of the symptoms!

Hello and goodnight guys? sorry for not publishing anything lately these days.. So tonight we are gonna talk about dengue symptoms! so, if some of us or our relatives got this symptoms. dont waste ur time and immediately bring them to see the doctor. and, if you got it, swiftly see the doctor as well! You cant prevent the symptoms anymore so dont ever acted like ' prevent is better than cure '' if you already got the symptoms ok? otherwise you will be in extremely danger.

1. the first symptom is extremely high fever. so humans body temperature was approximately 37C so if you got like above of it. NEHHH dont feel like it was just an ordinary fever okay?
2. Headache, ahah! this is important too. i knew so well that everyone will got headache anytime, so its not that bad, thats fine. but if the headache went wrong and worse. just go see a doctor to make sure that you are just fine.
3. muscle and joint pain, tbh i dont quite sure what it feels like. but probably if your muscles hurts all of a sudden. consider go to the clinic.
4. pain behind eyes! wow i got this like a lot but nothings happen. xD but maybe if it hurts so much. something must gone wrong with your body.
5. skin rashes. yeah this is probably the most obvious symptoms of the dengue fever. so if you got this symptom. just one way.. DOCTOR
6. vomitting. and yeah if you got this, which is like vomits was the only thing you do that day.maybe you should consider that as the symptoms ;O
7. bleeding from mouth and nose. wow and this is an obvious symptom too!

Conclusion is, please beware of that symptoms! and before its too late. prevent yourself and your family members from aedes that carried this desease! how? check out my previous posts! ok bye sayonara xoxo xD

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