Monday 2 November 2015


Peace yo!

Broom guys

EH?!! xD

Thumbs UP!

The girls:)


Cleaning the drain!

Rapunzel and her maid *JOKEE*

A walk to see the lifestyle at the Old Folks Home

Keep walking guys-,-

Sweep, and Throw it HAHA

*MISI GEMPUR DENGGI* Our squads for today !

Hello and goodnight guys! So today it was the most unforgettable day for our squads! Our teachers carried out a community service activity to '' Rumah Wargatua Sri Pritchard,Kinarut Papar''. We did a ''gotong-royong'' there and had given a chance to see the lifestyles there at the old folks home besides spread informations about aedes and dengue!! Thanks a lot to the teachers who brought us here!

The moment we arrived there, we were given a simple introduction to the Old Folks home. It consisted about how many of them who lived there,activities the old folks did there, and a very powerful advice to us which is ' If could, please dont bring your parents here, it would be better and a must if you guys took care for them until their last breath ' 

After that, we took a walk through that place to see their lifestyles there. For me, it was such a sad environment there as I saw some of the old folks just sat on their wheelchairs just by theirselves at the corner of a building. Quite gooodd to feel that some of them were very friendly as well as they had dance with us, have a chit-chat, and waved their hands when we passed by their dorms.

The place that I would never ever forget was when our squads visited the ward which is the place for the weak and sick old folks... some of us even burst out a lot of tears just by watching them suffered on their bed and it getting even worse when some of them told us the stories why did they brought up in that place. Even me as a man, shed a lot of tears. Actually my teacher had took a photo of us and accidentally I am in that photo too and I was crying at that time. So, it would be embarassing if I insert it. Ugh... 

So, no more crying! our squads swiftly go on to the next activity which is ' GOTONG ROYONG!! '. The gotong-royong was held in front of the HALL there. Our squads put a lot of efforts to make that place as clean as we can! The purpose we did it was to prevent the aedes spread their 'dengue' to the old folks! So, the main object to be clean was the DRAIN! and other things such as throw the rubbish, and dried leaves. 

So thats it for tonight guys! I will tell you more on my upcoming post! Goodbye! SEPAKAT DENGUE PATROL!

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