Sunday 25 October 2015

An Effort To Distribute The Programme's Brochure To The Citizens!

One of our squads with the legend Man Kidal!

Citizens of Papar holding the brochure!

Our handsome policemen also supported this campaign!

Hisband and wife!

Teacher Hafizah! and our kak Sabrina!

A shot to distribute the campaign's brochure to this event!
Hello and goodnight internet users and this blog's readers  *Hopefully had some*

So, rather than our squads waste their time playing gadgets, and do nothing, would be much better for them if they use this golden opportunity to spread informations about this campaign right? So, expected it, they had done it! This shows how hardworking and determined our squads are right!  

In a nutshell, indeed Sepakat Dengue Patrol would definitely continue this effort to spread more and more informations about the campaign to whole of the Papar citizens!


p/s - sorry if this post was so simple. i will write more on my upcoming post! sayonara!

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