Wednesday 28 October 2015


What a cute illustration!
Hello and goodnight everybody! I am so sorry because i didnt post anything for the last two days since im quite stuck on my tight schedule. Please excuse my fault ;( OKAY then, for tonight I will tell you guys HOW to eliminate the mosquitoes breeding site. SO easy okay? so lets get the ball rolling! HEHE

As you guys see on the picture that I inserted up there, there are probably 7 ways how to eliminate the mosquitoes breeding site. So will tell about it one by one okay?

Firstly, discard the items that can collect rainwater or run off water especially buckets, old vases and tyres or if you guys still love that item and want to keep it i probably advice you to just discard the water in that *water collectable item*, was that ** phrases even exist? Sorry but i hope that you understand it hihi.
Secondly, put the item that you discarded at a higher place in case so that items will not be disturbed by your pets. If it happens, the items will be littered on the ground.
Thirdly, this was the easiest one, in case you guys dont even want to throw away the puddle in your vases, just put sands into the puddle so it will bury it YEAH!
Fourth, im not quite sure about the hand that holding a sponge drawing mean is, but probably that means that we shouls wash or clean the items regularly so it will free from germs, and mosquitoes will not like it!
Fifth, please close the items that you use to collect water, so mosquitoes cant easily breed!
Sixth, gather all the items that water collectable you had discarded in a plastic bag, so easily you can throw it away at the proper place. DONT ever throw it at a place you shouldnt throw that thing! such as river.

SO, theres seven ways to prevent from the mosquitoes breed freely at your place right! oh yeah, theres 2 ways in the first sentence. xD So, thats it for tonight and.. I hope you guys gain informations about mosquitoes! Goodbye! Please keep in touch with this blog to see more informations and activities! xoxo

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