Thursday 22 October 2015


Hello, goodnight everbody! So, as usual, I will be posting about the Dengue Patrol campaign that received a lot of supports from the teachers and the pupil of SMK Pengalat! Check this pics out! Scroll down please :*

Gentlemen of SMK Pengalat holding the brochure of the Dengue Patrol Programme!

Form 1Amanah's students thumbs up! 

Thankfully SMK Pengalat was a school with supportive teachers!

1Amanah !
Those photos were taken by our teachers and i think that it was like a week ago? So obviously these photos were the old one. And since I just made this blog a few days ago. I missed a lot of activities that I should publish. Nevermind, lets take it slowly right? :)
They were having a 'pj' session on that time. And, for me as a student. ' pj ' session was a session that was ' untouchable ' session for the students. So, if that session had been interrupted or disturbed. It was the most frustrating moment xD , but no for those students, they sacrificed that most precious 'pj' and take a break for a while.... take some photos for the campaign. While holding a brochure each, and some of them were holding the banner as a sign of ' support ' ! and a round of applause should be given to the teachers because they had been like so hardworking lately these days just to make sure that this campaign will be a huge success! 
Actually, there were a lot of pictures for this campaign but i guess that's it for now! Goodbye guys! Please keep supporting us! SEPAKAT DENGUE PATROL! willing to protect all of Papar's citizens from dengue, not just in our school! :) xoxo.

p/s if you guys aint gonna wait for my upcoming post anymore, please do visit our fb page, there are lot of pictures there!

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