Saturday 24 October 2015


Goodnight everbody! :) The topic of tonight's post is about how to defend yourselves from dengue. 
1. Please regularly check for stagnant water in pot plants, wheelbarrows, roof guttering, and bird baths. Because that was the most perfect place for the aedes to breed.
2.  Spray under beds & behind curtains with residual surface spray. You know guys, aedes loves to play hide and seek behind it. We can easily seek them so what? SPRAY!! xD 
3.  Use a good repellent such as ' Shieldtox '. Thats the one that are most common in the local store all over the country. So, dont waste your money buying such a waste thing.
4.  Wear light coloured clothings. Aha! i bet certain of you dont know the reason why right? because mosquitos especially aedes are attracted to dark colors, so keeping your outdoor clothing selection light will help avoid unwanted bites.
5. Repair damaged screens on windows and rainwater tanks. Important too as it will give an advantage to the mosquitoes to enter our house. So, repair the damaged one will prevent entry of flying insects. Certainly mosquitoes.

That's it for now! :) oh yeah, i will post the pictures about? ... probably tomorrow. definitely it will impress you guys about how hardworking they are. SEPAKAT DENGUE PATROL SQUADS are increasingly fierce! roar xD ok then, BYE.. xoxo


  1. Wow..roar.. Go sepakat dengue patrol squad! :)

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