Tuesday 20 October 2015

Introduction For Our New Blog '' Sepakat Dengue Patrol ''

'' Our school badge, SMK Pengalat Papar. ''

And this is the Dengue Patrol Campaign Badge, so basically a lot of schools all over the country had made this campaign, and for our district ' Papar,Sabah ', SMK Pengalat which is our school is the only school that representing this district for this campaign. So, please give us your supports! <3 xoxo

Sanofi Pasteur the vaccines division of Sanofi together with joint effort of the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health have launched the Dengue Patrol Programme in 2011. Dengue Patrol Programme is aimed to advocating prevention against dengue and spearheading dengue prevention activities in the respectives school's immediate communities.

Yes, my teacher told me to be '' sporting '' in composing a post so the readers will not feel bored right? So, literally I am the admin here and my job is to handle this blog and updating a post every night on this blog about Dengue Patrol Programme. And I am so happy because my teacher trusted me to do this job despite this is my first time handling a blog. Oh my, and please forgive me if i committed a lot of grammatical errors. Still working on it :) and yeah please keep in touch with this blog because you guys will gain a lot of knowledge about the killing fellas ' aedes ' and we will be able to prevent ourselves from getting ' dengue fever '. '' UNITED WE STAND,DIVIDED WE FALL'' last but not least, again, please show your support to this blog! xoxo.
p/s this blog was vividly not that ' beautiful ' so i will try my best to decorate this blog! please wait for my upcoming post about the activities that our school carried out. <3

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum and hi. We, SBPIS are visitting your blog here. You have such a nice blog. Do visit ours at :)
    Do follow us back!!
