Thursday 12 November 2015


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6
An alternative. Mosquito trap. Easy to make. Fight AEDES !
Step 1
- Cut the bottle as shown in picture
-You can use recycle plastic bottle
Step 2
-Add 50 gram brown sugar with 200mm hot water.
-Put aside
Step 3
-After few minutes, pour the mixture into a bottle
Step 4
-Put some yeast. Do not stir the mixture.
- It will produce carbon dioxide that can attract mosquito
Step 5
-Put the top of the bottle that has been cut ( funnel shape ) as shown in picture.
Step 6
-Wrap the bottle with something dark such as plastic bag in black colour.
-Put the bottle at any place at the corner your home or school
-After 10-14 days, u can make a new one step by step
( Step 1-6 )
- It help to prevent mosquitoes ( aedes ) at your place

Saturday 7 November 2015


Here are some of the symptoms!

Hello and goodnight guys? sorry for not publishing anything lately these days.. So tonight we are gonna talk about dengue symptoms! so, if some of us or our relatives got this symptoms. dont waste ur time and immediately bring them to see the doctor. and, if you got it, swiftly see the doctor as well! You cant prevent the symptoms anymore so dont ever acted like ' prevent is better than cure '' if you already got the symptoms ok? otherwise you will be in extremely danger.

1. the first symptom is extremely high fever. so humans body temperature was approximately 37C so if you got like above of it. NEHHH dont feel like it was just an ordinary fever okay?
2. Headache, ahah! this is important too. i knew so well that everyone will got headache anytime, so its not that bad, thats fine. but if the headache went wrong and worse. just go see a doctor to make sure that you are just fine.
3. muscle and joint pain, tbh i dont quite sure what it feels like. but probably if your muscles hurts all of a sudden. consider go to the clinic.
4. pain behind eyes! wow i got this like a lot but nothings happen. xD but maybe if it hurts so much. something must gone wrong with your body.
5. skin rashes. yeah this is probably the most obvious symptoms of the dengue fever. so if you got this symptom. just one way.. DOCTOR
6. vomitting. and yeah if you got this, which is like vomits was the only thing you do that day.maybe you should consider that as the symptoms ;O
7. bleeding from mouth and nose. wow and this is an obvious symptom too!

Conclusion is, please beware of that symptoms! and before its too late. prevent yourself and your family members from aedes that carried this desease! how? check out my previous posts! ok bye sayonara xoxo xD

Monday 2 November 2015


Peace yo!

Broom guys

EH?!! xD

Thumbs UP!

The girls:)


Cleaning the drain!

Rapunzel and her maid *JOKEE*

A walk to see the lifestyle at the Old Folks Home

Keep walking guys-,-

Sweep, and Throw it HAHA

*MISI GEMPUR DENGGI* Our squads for today !

Hello and goodnight guys! So today it was the most unforgettable day for our squads! Our teachers carried out a community service activity to '' Rumah Wargatua Sri Pritchard,Kinarut Papar''. We did a ''gotong-royong'' there and had given a chance to see the lifestyles there at the old folks home besides spread informations about aedes and dengue!! Thanks a lot to the teachers who brought us here!

The moment we arrived there, we were given a simple introduction to the Old Folks home. It consisted about how many of them who lived there,activities the old folks did there, and a very powerful advice to us which is ' If could, please dont bring your parents here, it would be better and a must if you guys took care for them until their last breath ' 

After that, we took a walk through that place to see their lifestyles there. For me, it was such a sad environment there as I saw some of the old folks just sat on their wheelchairs just by theirselves at the corner of a building. Quite gooodd to feel that some of them were very friendly as well as they had dance with us, have a chit-chat, and waved their hands when we passed by their dorms.

The place that I would never ever forget was when our squads visited the ward which is the place for the weak and sick old folks... some of us even burst out a lot of tears just by watching them suffered on their bed and it getting even worse when some of them told us the stories why did they brought up in that place. Even me as a man, shed a lot of tears. Actually my teacher had took a photo of us and accidentally I am in that photo too and I was crying at that time. So, it would be embarassing if I insert it. Ugh... 

So, no more crying! our squads swiftly go on to the next activity which is ' GOTONG ROYONG!! '. The gotong-royong was held in front of the HALL there. Our squads put a lot of efforts to make that place as clean as we can! The purpose we did it was to prevent the aedes spread their 'dengue' to the old folks! So, the main object to be clean was the DRAIN! and other things such as throw the rubbish, and dried leaves. 

So thats it for tonight guys! I will tell you more on my upcoming post! Goodbye! SEPAKAT DENGUE PATROL!

Saturday 31 October 2015


Dig it my bro. HEHE

I have no idea what caption for this pic xD


The VIP guests!

Yeah im in the photo. Guess where ! HAHA

Thumbs UP!

Kill that giant aedes Dato'!

Goodnight guys! Since i am still searching informations about aedes to put in this blog, i guess to not let you guys to wait. I should make a throwback about last Gotong-royong activity with our Deputy of Minister Public Works!  So enjoy the photos! 

Wednesday 28 October 2015


What a cute illustration!
Hello and goodnight everybody! I am so sorry because i didnt post anything for the last two days since im quite stuck on my tight schedule. Please excuse my fault ;( OKAY then, for tonight I will tell you guys HOW to eliminate the mosquitoes breeding site. SO easy okay? so lets get the ball rolling! HEHE

As you guys see on the picture that I inserted up there, there are probably 7 ways how to eliminate the mosquitoes breeding site. So will tell about it one by one okay?

Firstly, discard the items that can collect rainwater or run off water especially buckets, old vases and tyres or if you guys still love that item and want to keep it i probably advice you to just discard the water in that *water collectable item*, was that ** phrases even exist? Sorry but i hope that you understand it hihi.
Secondly, put the item that you discarded at a higher place in case so that items will not be disturbed by your pets. If it happens, the items will be littered on the ground.
Thirdly, this was the easiest one, in case you guys dont even want to throw away the puddle in your vases, just put sands into the puddle so it will bury it YEAH!
Fourth, im not quite sure about the hand that holding a sponge drawing mean is, but probably that means that we shouls wash or clean the items regularly so it will free from germs, and mosquitoes will not like it!
Fifth, please close the items that you use to collect water, so mosquitoes cant easily breed!
Sixth, gather all the items that water collectable you had discarded in a plastic bag, so easily you can throw it away at the proper place. DONT ever throw it at a place you shouldnt throw that thing! such as river.

SO, theres seven ways to prevent from the mosquitoes breed freely at your place right! oh yeah, theres 2 ways in the first sentence. xD So, thats it for tonight and.. I hope you guys gain informations about mosquitoes! Goodbye! Please keep in touch with this blog to see more informations and activities! xoxo

Sunday 25 October 2015

An Effort To Distribute The Programme's Brochure To The Citizens!

One of our squads with the legend Man Kidal!

Citizens of Papar holding the brochure!

Our handsome policemen also supported this campaign!

Hisband and wife!

Teacher Hafizah! and our kak Sabrina!

A shot to distribute the campaign's brochure to this event!
Hello and goodnight internet users and this blog's readers  *Hopefully had some*

So, rather than our squads waste their time playing gadgets, and do nothing, would be much better for them if they use this golden opportunity to spread informations about this campaign right? So, expected it, they had done it! This shows how hardworking and determined our squads are right!  

In a nutshell, indeed Sepakat Dengue Patrol would definitely continue this effort to spread more and more informations about the campaign to whole of the Papar citizens!


p/s - sorry if this post was so simple. i will write more on my upcoming post! sayonara!

Saturday 24 October 2015


Goodnight everbody! :) The topic of tonight's post is about how to defend yourselves from dengue. 
1. Please regularly check for stagnant water in pot plants, wheelbarrows, roof guttering, and bird baths. Because that was the most perfect place for the aedes to breed.
2.  Spray under beds & behind curtains with residual surface spray. You know guys, aedes loves to play hide and seek behind it. We can easily seek them so what? SPRAY!! xD 
3.  Use a good repellent such as ' Shieldtox '. Thats the one that are most common in the local store all over the country. So, dont waste your money buying such a waste thing.
4.  Wear light coloured clothings. Aha! i bet certain of you dont know the reason why right? because mosquitos especially aedes are attracted to dark colors, so keeping your outdoor clothing selection light will help avoid unwanted bites.
5. Repair damaged screens on windows and rainwater tanks. Important too as it will give an advantage to the mosquitoes to enter our house. So, repair the damaged one will prevent entry of flying insects. Certainly mosquitoes.

That's it for now! :) oh yeah, i will post the pictures about? ... probably tomorrow. definitely it will impress you guys about how hardworking they are. SEPAKAT DENGUE PATROL SQUADS are increasingly fierce! roar xD ok then, BYE.. xoxo

Thursday 22 October 2015


Hello, goodnight everbody! So, as usual, I will be posting about the Dengue Patrol campaign that received a lot of supports from the teachers and the pupil of SMK Pengalat! Check this pics out! Scroll down please :*

Gentlemen of SMK Pengalat holding the brochure of the Dengue Patrol Programme!

Form 1Amanah's students thumbs up! 

Thankfully SMK Pengalat was a school with supportive teachers!

1Amanah !
Those photos were taken by our teachers and i think that it was like a week ago? So obviously these photos were the old one. And since I just made this blog a few days ago. I missed a lot of activities that I should publish. Nevermind, lets take it slowly right? :)
They were having a 'pj' session on that time. And, for me as a student. ' pj ' session was a session that was ' untouchable ' session for the students. So, if that session had been interrupted or disturbed. It was the most frustrating moment xD , but no for those students, they sacrificed that most precious 'pj' and take a break for a while.... take some photos for the campaign. While holding a brochure each, and some of them were holding the banner as a sign of ' support ' ! and a round of applause should be given to the teachers because they had been like so hardworking lately these days just to make sure that this campaign will be a huge success! 
Actually, there were a lot of pictures for this campaign but i guess that's it for now! Goodbye guys! Please keep supporting us! SEPAKAT DENGUE PATROL! willing to protect all of Papar's citizens from dengue, not just in our school! :) xoxo.

p/s if you guys aint gonna wait for my upcoming post anymore, please do visit our fb page, there are lot of pictures there!

Wednesday 21 October 2015



So, basically tonight I will post about? about AEDES. So, lets start!

Inserted a picture of a male aedes because the male one didnt 'steal'our blood as they just tend on sucking honeys from the flowers. So, probably I love them for that reason and as a result I inserted their pic into this post. <3 sorry FEMALES AEDES!


Aedes aegypti that is also known as the yellow fever mosquito is a mosquito that can spread dengue fever, chikungunya, and yellow fever viruses, and other diseases. The mosquito can be recognized by white markings on its legs and a marking in the form of a lyre on the thorax. The mosquito originated in Africa but is now found in tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world.

And now, you guys will know how to discriminate the normal mosquito and that ' aedes -,- '. If you guys dont understand that information UP there! I think you guys just need to remember the prison clothes that the prisoners wear right? You know what I mean.... * black and white * get it? definitely that will be the aedes. for sure! believe me! 

Lastly, I hope this information will give you knowledge about aedes. And after this................ 

I guess thats it for tonight! See u guys tomorrow. :) xoxo// SEPAKAT DENGUE PATROL DA BEST! NO AEDES? NO.........DENGUE! *determined emoticon*

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Deputy Minister Of Public Works 2015
YB Dato Hajah Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin 
Hello and good morning guys! And yeah, so why did I inserted a picture of that beautiful and gorgeous woman up there? Because she was the one who came to inaugurat the opening for this event.What a great leader right? 

YEAH! And there she is. Watching the replicas made by our squads!

It was such a great opening eventhough it was raining heavily outside of the hall. And they were some Sabah's University of Malaysia students came to help us decorate our school with a lot of tropical trees ^^ 
After that opening, we swiftly move on to our next activity which is....... '' SENAMROBIK! '' or we called it ' ZUMBA '. Guess what? out Dato joined us also! and dont forget the parents, absolutely the pupils :D, our principal!. and the Education Officer of Papar District ' En. Abidin Marjan '. 

Here's a link to a video of our 'SENAMROBIK' that full of excitement :* -

Sayonara! I have to go now since I didnt wear my school uniform yet xD xoxo

Preparation for the opening of 'gotong-royong' and Dengue Patrol at SMK Pengalat


Look! How hardworking they are! Go Go!

Decorating the black cardboard with some goldish ribbons

Hey guys! Do your work. Stop talking and start working! *JOKE*

What a big mosquito you have ladies. ^^

Cutting the papers that filled with informations about dengue

You can do it girls!

How cute they are right? 

The school hall's stage that decorated by the Dengue Patrol Squads!

Hello guys! Here I am gonna tell you guys about the preparations that the Dengue Patrol squads had made. Let me tell you this, they were so amazing! they managed to finish all of the preparations for this historical events precisely just 2 days. So, obviously they'd been bend over backwards on that period of time. Salute? Yeah SALUTE! eventhough at that time I didnt joined the squads yet. But still, no doubt, cant deny, they are extremely GREAT. GOODJOB SQUADS! And...... yeah currently it is 10.07 p.m and i shall hit the hay now because tomorrow is school day. So, tomorrow I will post about the Grand Opening Event. Wait for it ;)